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Meeting of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health
A Call for Input on a Draft Strategic Plan to Ensure the Healthy
Development for All Youth by Unleashing the Power of Prevention
January 16, 2019 from 1-4 PM (PST)
San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-5356
Dear Members of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health:
The Steering Committee of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Healthis excited to invite you to participate in a strategic planning process aimed at helping us reach our goals of reducing the prevalence and incidence of behavioral health problems in young people from birth to age 24, and embedded racial and socioeconomic disparities in such problems, by 20% by 2026. Steering Committee members (listed below) have drafted a Strategic Plan that sets forward activities aligned with the 7 Action Steps of Unleashing the Power of Prevention, the framework that guides the work of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health.We need your knowledge, creative ideas, diverse perspectives, and enthusiasm to ensure that the Strategic Plan will effectively address the Coalition’s primary goals!
The Steering Committee invites you to attend or participate in a special meeting to review the DraftStrategic Plan to Ensure the Healthy Development for All Youth by Unleashing the Power of Prevention. The meeting will be held on January 16, 2019 from 1-4 PM (Pacific time) in San Francisco, CA. Additional details on location are forthcoming. Please note that the meeting occurs one day in advance of the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.
A draft strategic plan will be sent to Coalition members in early January for review prior to the meeting in San Francisco. We are seeking your feedback on the draft strategic plan and your ideas about how to best implement the activities identified in the plan. The agenda for the meeting will include a presentation of the Strategic Plan followed by a review of the strategies necessary to implement strategic planning activities aligned with the 7 Action Steps of Unleashing the Power of Prevention. We also plan to present specific ideas about strategies to reach our goal of reducing disparities in behavioral health problems that were developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of nationally recognized experts.
Space for this important meeting is limited! Additional meeting logistics will be sent to all members of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health in mid-November.
We need and value your input! We hope you will join us in person in San Francisco, or participate virtually, in the Coalition’s strategic planning process on January 16, 2019 from 1-4 PM (Pacific time)!
Steering Committee of the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health:
Kimberly Bender, PhD, University of Denver
Gilbert J. Botvin, PhD, Cornell University
Brian Bumbarger, PhD, Colorado State University
Richard F. Catalano, PhD, University of Washington
Kevin Haggerty, PhD, University of Washington
J. David Hawkins, PhD, University of Washington
Jeff Jenson, PhD, University of Denver, Chair
Valerie Shapiro, PhD, University of California at Berkeley, Chair-Elect