Coalition members have delivered more than 100 presentations about Unleashing the Power of Prevention across the country in the past several years.
View a Grand Challenges for Social Work Webinar on Prevention Training!
This webinar presents and illustrates behavioral health prevention training modules created by members of the Ensure Healthy Development for Youth grand challenge. The modules include substantive content aimed at understanding the key principles of prevention and strategies for promoting effective preventive interventions in direct practice, community practice, and social policy settings. Modules are designed to be used as stand-alone sessions or as integrated content in social work undergraduate and graduate classes. The webinar includes a brief overview of the modules followed by two instructional applications that can be used in the classroom. Presented by Jeff Jenson, PhD, University of Denver; Anne Williford, PhD, Colorado State University; and Elizabeth K. Anthony, PhD Arizona State University.
2020 presentations
J. David Hawkins delivering the Stockholm Public Health Lecture in Stockholm, Sweden on February 13, 2020. Dr. Hawkins described the evolution of prevention science and the success of Communities that Care in a lecture entitled Using Prevention Science to Guide Community Action. Learn More
Jeff Jenson and members of the Coalition presenting at the 2018 Science for Action Series at the University of Denver.
2019 presentations
Catalano, R.F. Webinar: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; MEB Committee Report. Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT)University of Nevada, Reno. November 26, 2019.
Botvin, G.J. Keynote Address, Unleashing the Power of Prevention to Promote Safe and Healthy Schools. USBE Safe and Healthy Schools keynote, November 12, 2019.
Catalano, R.F. Unleashing the Power of Prevention in Communities: A Role for Primary Care. Integrating Primary and Behavioral Care Through the Lens of Prevention Conference, New Orleans, LA. November 2019.
Ghate, D. & Bumbarger, B.K. Implementation Science and Practice: An introduction. Griffith University Criminology Institute Symposium: Community Based Prevention and Implementation Achievements and Challenges. Brisbane, Australia. October 31, 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. Prevention Science as a Capacity-building Tool for Community Collective Impact. Griffith University Criminology Institute Symposium: Community Based Prevention and Implementation Achievements and Challenges. Brisbane, Australia. October 30, 2019.
Lyons, V.H., Rivara, F. P., Carone, M., Hajat, A., Haggerty, K. P., Floyd, A., Whiteside, L. & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. Efficacy of a Behavioral Intervention Among Patients with Gunshot Wounds: A Comparison of Analytic Methods. Poster presented at Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium, Ann Arbor, MI. October 2019.
Jenson, J.M. Using Grand Challenges to Develop Local and Statewide Partnerships: Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth. Keynote presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Western Consortium Grand Challenges for Social Work. Fort Collins, CO. September 13, 2019.
Liu, S., Bumbarger, B.K., & Caldwell, A. State Level Grand Challenge Partnerships: Colorado’s strategic plan for the prevention of substance use. Western Consortium Grand Challenges for Social Work Conference. Panel. Fort Collins, CO. September 13, 2019.
Aldridge, W. A., II, Roppolo, R. H., Austen, J., & Jenkins, R. Applying implementation science for real world impact: Operationalized core practice components, feasibility testing, and next steps. Poster presented at the biennial Society for Implementation Research Collaboration, Seattle, WA. September 2019.
Boothroyd, R. I., Reed, J., Armstrong, J., M., Aldridge, W. A., II, & Jenkins, R. Strengthening multi-level and linked systems for effective implementation: Ensuring the critical role of intermediary supports. Storyboard presented at the biennial Global Implementation Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. September 2019.
Cooper, B., Darnell, A., Funaiole, A. Haggerty, K.P., & Hill, L. Evidence-Based Policymaking to Prevent Youth Substance Misuse: Where the Rubber Slams into the Evidence-Based Program Implementation Road. 5th Biennial Society for Implementation Research Conference (SIRC), Seattle, WA. September 2019.
Jenkins, R., Aldridge, W. A., II, & Roppolo, R. H. Assessing intermediary organization capacity for active implementation support: Development and collaborative early usability appraisal of an intermediary organization capacity assessment tool. Paper presented at the biennial Society for Implementation Research Collaboration, Seattle, WA. September 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. Quality Improvement for Juvenile Justice Services: Drawing from evidence on “what works”. Boulder County Department of Human Services. Boulder, CO. August 19, 2019.
Haggerty, K. P. Families Facing the Future workshop. Region X Opioid Summit, Vancouver, WA. August 2019.
Haggerty, K.P., & Parker, C. Social Development Strategy: A Guide to Improving Bonds within Community for Healthy Outcomes. National Prevention Network Conference, Chicago, IL. August 2019.
Haggerty, K.P., Salazar, A.M., Kelley-Siel, E., Hines, A.F, & Young, S. Using Long-Term, Professional Mentoring for Families with Child Welfare System Involvement: Panel Discussion with Program Participants and Researchers. The National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, Washington, D.C. August 2019.
Salazar, A.M., Haggerty, K.P., & Vinson, J. Using the Evidence-Based Communities That Care Community Mobilization Intervention for Community Maltreatment Prevention. Poster presented at The National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, Washington, D.C. August 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. Using County Juvenile Risk Assessment Profiles to Inform Prevention and Intervention Priorities and Planning. Webinar. July 30, 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. Colorado Legislative and Policy Priorities to Support Children’s Health and Wellness. Healthy Schools Successful Students Leadership Council. Panel. Denver, CO. June 20, 2019.
Botvin, G.J. Keynote Address, Unleashing the Power of Prevention through Life Skills Training.
Delaware Day of Hope keynote address, June 12, 2019.
Aldridge, W.A., II. Supporting successful Triple P scale-up in North Carolina. In K. O’Connor (Chair), North Carolina’s scaling of Triple P into CPS in-home services. Invited seminar for the quarterly meeting of the State Directors of County Administered States, sponsored by Casey Family Programs, Raleigh, NC. June 2019.
Aldridge, W.A., II. Unpacking implementation and scale-up: Considerations for school mental health. Invited presentation for the 2019 NC School Mental Health Initiative and The Carolina Network for School Mental Health Networking Conference, Durham, NC. June 2019.
Lyons, V.H., Rivara, F. P., Carone, M., Hajat, A., Haggerty, K. P., Floyd, A., Whiteside, L. & Rowhani-Rahbar, A. Efficacy of a Behavioral Intervention Among Patients with Gunshot Wounds: A Comparison of Analytic Methods. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. June 2019.
Catalano, R.F. Kuklinski, M.R, & Sterling, S.A. Guiding Good Choices for Health (GGC4H): Early Lessons from a Pragmatic Trial in Three Large Healthcare Systems. The Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Catalano, R.F. Advancing Prevention through Cross-National Research on Alcohol Policy: The International Youth Development Study. The Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Catalano, R.F. SPR Task Force on Reducing Health Disparities and Improving Equity through Prevention. The Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Fleming, C, Oesterle. S, Catalano, R.F., & Hill, K.G. Abstract of Distinction: Preventing Gang Involvement with Communities That Care The Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Hill, L, Cooper, B, Bumpus, M.F., Haggerty K.P, & Catalano, R.F. (2019, May)
Letting Go and Staying Connected. The Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Roppolo, R. H. & Aldridge, W. A., II. Trajectory of external implementation support for evidence-based programs. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Aldridge, W.A., II., Ingram, K., O’Connor, K., Redmond, P., Tyson, M., & Jenkins, R. Public-Private Partnerships for Large-Scale Impact: Lessons from State Agency, Statewide Non-Profit, and FPG Partners Involved in North Carolina Triple P Scale-Up. Invited panel for the FPG Seminar Series, FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. April 2019.
Haggerty, K.P., Hanlon, R., Lis, M., & Riley, D. Equipping Resource Families with Knowledge, Skills, and an Attitude to Care for Children from Hard Places and Support Birth Families showcase workshop. The 21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), Washington, D.C. April 2019.
Salazar, A. M., Barkan, S. & Haggerty, K.P. A Guide for Foster Caregivers to Support the Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Foster Youth and the Foster Youth Caregiver/Family Relationship showcase workshop. The 21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), Washington, D.C. April 2019.
Salazar, A. M., Vinson, J. & Haggerty, K.P. Adapting the Evidence-Based Communities That Care Community Mobilization Intervention for Community Maltreatment Prevention showcase workshop. The 21st National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), Washington, D.C. April 2019.
Tyson, M., O’Connor, K., Aldridge, W.A., II., & Hirsch, S. Triple P (Positive Parenting Program): A Population Approach to Reducing Child Maltreatment and Increasing Positive Parenting. Workshop conducted at the Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCANC) Learning & Leadership Summit, Raleigh, NC. March 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. & Pendergrass, K. Evidence-based Policy Making for Colorado Counties. El Paso County Interagency Oversight Group. Colorado Springs, CO. February 11, 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. Translating Prevention Science to Improve Policy and Practice. Colorado State University Human Development and Family Studies Speaker Series. Fort Collins, CO. February 8, 2019.
Veeh, C.A., Jenson, J.M., Anyon, Y., Calhoun, M., & Nisle, S. Furthering Academic Progress through Community-Based Afterschool Programs: Findings from a Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. San Francisco, CA. January 18, 2019.
Jenson, J.M., Hawkins, J.D., Bender, K.A., Shapiro, V., & Catalano, R.F. Assessing the Impact of Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth. A Grand Challenges Progress Report. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. San Francisco, CA. January 17, 2019.
Kennedy, H., Anyon, Y., Durbham, R., & Jenson, J.M. Exploring the Contributions of Youth-Led Participatory Action Research to Youth Voice and Adult Support in a Community-Based After-School Program. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. San Francisco, CA. January 17, 2019.
2018 Presentations
Murphy, K., Day, A., Whitekiller, V. & Haggerty, K. P. Preparing resource families to serve children affected by historical, intergenerational, and current day traumas. Society for Social Work Research Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. January 18, 2019.
Bumbarger, B.K. A Developmental Evidence-based Approach to Youth Drug Use: Unleashing the Power of Prevention. National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws: State Drug Policy Directors Strategic Planning Conference. Keynote. Salt Lake City, UT. December 6, 2018.
Botvin, G.J. Keynote Address, Unleashing the Power of Prevention through Life Skills Training.
40th Annual Utah Fall 2018 on Substance Abuse and Mental Health. September 20, 2018.
Jenson, J.M., & Hawkins, J.D. Unleashing the Power of Prevention: A Progress Report. Annual Conference of the Society for Prevention Research. Washington, DC. May 30, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Using a Shared Risk and Protective Factor Framework to Improve Your Agency's Impact, Engagement, and Funding. Annual Colorado Shared Risk and Protective Factors Conference. Keystone, CO. May 30, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. and Maffey, A. Breaking System Silos: How Shared Risk and Protective Factors can help you leverage other's work for your outcomes. Annual Colorado Shared Risk and Protective Factors Conference. Keystone, CO. May 30, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Evidence-informed Decision Making to Promote School Success. 2018 Research, Policy, and Practice Conference. Philadelphia, PA. May 21, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Unleashing the Power of Prevention: Using prevention and implementation science to keep kids on a positive developmental trajectory. Utah Promising Youth Conference. Snowbird, UT. May 11, 2018.
Bumbarger, B., Fixsen, A., and Pasini-Hill, D. Building Evidence-based Practice Capacity in Provider Organizations and Public Systems. Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development Conference. Denver, CO. May 2, 2018.
Jenson, J.M., & Hawkins, J.D. Seven Ways to Unleash the Power of Prevention. Keynote presentation at the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development Conference. Denver, CO. May 1, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. (2018). Using a Shared Risk Factor Lens to Unleash the Power of Prevention: The intersection of public health, behavioral health, and population health. Utah Public Health Association Conference. Keynote. April 12, 2018.
Jenson, J.M. Unleashing the Power of Prevention: Implications for Public Health Professionals in Utah. Utah Public Health Association Conference. April 11, 2018.
Jenson, J.M. Unleashing the Power of Prevention: Preparing the Workforce for Prevention Practice. Utah Public Health Association Conference. April 11, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Building Capacity within Systems and Communities: Using a shared risk and protective factor lens to create collective impact. Utah Public Health Association Conference. April 11, 2018. Utah Public Health Association Conference. April 11, 2018.
Jenson, J.M. Assessing Progress in the Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative: Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth. College of Social Work, Florida State University. February 28, 2018.
Catalano, R.F. Using the Research Base for Prevention/Promotion Science to Promote Emotional Well-Being Community Wide: Communities that Care. Emotional Well Being: Emerging Insights and Questions for Future Research Conference. NCCIH, OBSSR, NIH. Washington, DC. April 4, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Investing NOW for the Future: Unleashing the Power of Prevention. Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth Prevention Science Forum. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. March 26, 2018.
Catalano, R.F. & Deakin. Using Prevention Science to Improve School Success and Reduce Behavioral Health Problems: Communities that Care. University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia. March 23, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Effective Strategies for Preventing Youth Crime and Promoting Youth Development. Cairns, Queensland, Australia. March 21, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Using a shared risk and protective factor lens to strengthen families and communities. Mission Australia Collective Impact Master Class. Cairns, Australia. March 20, 2018.
Bumbarger, B. Creating Pathways to Improved Outcomes for Australia's Children. Australian Early Development Census 2018 Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. March 16, 2018.
Freiberg, K., Homel, R., Branch, S., Johnson, G., and Bumbarger, B. Rumble’s Quest: An innovative interactive system for measuring and supporting the wellbeing of children aged 5-12 years. Australian Early Development Census 2018 Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. March 15, 2018.
Moss, P., Bumbarger, B., Olive, G., Newcomb, D., Johnson, H., and Tracey, F. Harnessing the Hive: Engaging stakeholders to improve outcomes for children and young people in Queensland. Australian Early Development Census 2018 Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. March 14, 2018.
Catalano, R.F. Prevention Science and the Opioid Epidemic. Science of Behavior and the Opioid Crisis, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, Maryland. March 5, 2018.
Catalano, R.F. & Barton, V.J. Using Theory and Logic Models to Prevent Youth Problems Community Wide: Communities that Care. Using Theory to Inform Youth Interventions, Department of Health & Human Services. Washington D.C., March 8, 2018.
Jenson, J.M., Hawkins, J.D., Shapiro, V., Bender, K.A., Catalano, R.F., Fraser, M., & Lombardi B. Assessing the impact of the Grand Challenges: A progress report from ensure healthy development for all youth by unleashing the power of prevention. Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, DC. January 13, 2018.
2017 Presentations
Catalano, R.F. Opportunity to Advance a Prevention Agenda for Youth. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Symposium, Making Connections Matter for Adolescents. Baltimore, Maryland. December 6, 2017.
Bumbarger, B. Unleashing the Power of Prevention: Action planning for policy makers, practitioners and organizational leaders. Family and Relationships Services Australia Annual Conference: Connecting the Dots, creating well-being for all. Melbourne, Australia. November 24, 2017.
Bumbarger, B. Unleashing the Power of PREVENTION in the family and relationship services sector. Family and Relationships Services Australia Annual Conference: Connecting the Dots, creating well-being for all. Melbourne, Australia. November 23, 2017.